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The North Sagamore Water District is routinely inspected by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). The DEP inspects our system for its technical, financial and managerial capacity to provide safe drinking water to you. To ensure that we provide the highest quality of water available, your water system is operated by a Massachusetts certified operator who oversees the routine operations of our system.

Currently we are supplied by three active gravel-packed wells; the Black Pond Well, which was installed in 1979, Well No.1 (the Beach Well), installed in 1958 and the Church Lane Well installed in 2001. All wells are ground water sources. The District currently does not have any interconnections with other water districts as a backup supply.

The aquifer in the Church Lane area is part of the extensive Plymouth/Carver Aquifer. The Black Pond Well is the prinicpal source of water and the Clark Road Tank level controls the pumps operation during normal conditions. The Beach Well primarily functions as a peaking well, supplying water only during peak demand periods. There are presently three above ground storage reserviors (standpipes) in the District; the Bournedale tank, the Clark Road tank and Norris Road tank.

Current Rates

Basic Minimum:  $71.00 per year or $35.50 semi-annual

Water Charges :

1-20,000 gallons= $1.65 per thousand

20,001-50,000 gallons= $3.55 per thousand

Over 50,000 gallons- $4.65 per thousand

Turn On's/ Off's: $50.00

Final Readings:   $50.00

New Service Connection Fee: $3,700.00 payable at the time of application for a typical 1" service and 5/8" meter.

Please see District Rates and Regulations for larger connections




New Water Service Installation

For water services not previously installed by the developer, the Applicant must hire a contractor to excavate, tap the water main, install the curb stop and box at the property line and install the water service line from the main to the building.  The contactor shall be approved by the District, supply the District with an insurance certification including general liability and worker’s compensation and submit a performance bond in the amount of $5,000.00 prior to excavation.  The Applicant is responsible for entire cost of installation, including any expense from the disturbance of asphalt or concrete areas, abutters properties, permits, special equipment and traffic details as needed. All installations will require materials that are approved for use by the North Sagamore Water District.  All construction will be completed under the supervision of the District’s representatives or its agents. 


  • The District does not add fluoride to the water and testing of the source water detects none.

  • The State Department of Environmental Protection performed an assessment of our source water. Copies of this report are on file at the Districts Office.

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